Complete Filtration Services Inc.
425 Mill Street
Greenville NC 27858
Phone: 252-752-3340

CFS Offers a full line of Air Filtration Products. Please call
for Commercial and Industrial Prices.
Basic Efficiency Filters
FACET-Aire 3/Purolator® 2F

The Purolator FACET-Aire 3 and 2F are panel filters utilizing
the unique Purolator Monobond concept of a one-piece frame
sealed to the media using heat and pressure. The superior
grade fiberglass media is evenly coated with a gel adhesive to
prevent finer particle migration. For heavy-duty applications, a
2" box frame in several sizes is available. UL Class 2.

Polyfiber 1" and 2"

Polyfiber panel filters (P312) were developed for residential,
commercial or light industrial use requiring synthetic media.
The 1" model is produced with a Monobond design Kraft
frame. The 2" model (DA) features a box frame construction
with upstream and downstream bottlecapping for durability.
The synthetic media consists of polyester fibers bonded
together in an interlocking pattern for lint and dust
containment. The P312 and DA serve well as prefilters. UL
Class 2.