Hepa and Cleanroom
HEPA/Cleanroom Products

PURO® Fan Filter Unit Module

The PURO-Fan Filter Unit Module is a geometrically low
profile, self-powered HEPA filter that delivers up to 800 CFM
of ultra-clean air. The low profile modular design provides
access to areas with limited overhead clearance, and allows
cleanroom users to group in configurations that best suit
their needs. The PURO-Fan is ideal for application requiring
cleanliness levels of Class 10 through Class 100,000.

ULTRA-Cell® High Efficiency HEPA Filters

The ULTRA-Cell is an aluminum separator style High
Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter, with efficiencies
ranging from 95% to 99.99% on .3 micron. ULTRA-Cell
filters are available in multiple constructions for gasket seal,
fluid seal, high capacity, and high temperature applications.
Frame material options include fire-retardant and non-fire-
retardant particleboard, fire-retardant and non-fire-retardant
plywood, 304 stainless steel and 16 gauge galvanized steel.
The ULTRA-Cell line compliments the Purolator housings.

MICROPAK™ Permanent Hood

The MPPH is a supply hood designed for cleanrooms
requiring clean air from Class M6.5 (100,000) to Class M1.5
(1). A gel seal filter can be installed or removed from the
Cleanroom side without removing or disturbing the hood

MICROPAK™ Permanent Economy Hood

The MPPE is a supply hood designed for cleanrooms
requiring clean air from ISO Class 4 (Class 10) to ISO Class
8 (Class 100,000). A gel seal MICROPAK filter can be
installed or removed from the cleanroom side without
removing or disturbing the hood assembly.

MICROPAK™ Mini Pleat

The MPMP is a separatorless filter pack available in 2" and
4" depths with various frame style styles and sizes.
Complete Filtration Services Inc.
425 Mill Street
Greenville NC 27858
Phone: 252-752-3340