Extended Surface Area Bag Filters
SERVA-Pak™ Bag
The SERVA-Pak is an extended surface high capacity air filter
composed of individual dust holding pockets assembled in a metal
support frame. Available in a variety of filter efficiencies, sizes and
capacities, the SERVA-Pak allows maximum performance in given
applications and is adaptable to a variety of frame and track systems.
Purolator's unique process of fastening adjacent J-channel frames
incurs no media damage during assembly or shipment. UL Class 1 or
Class 2.
SERVA-Pak™ Bag Type S
This bag air filter provides medium to high efficiency air capability. It is
specifically designed for environments requiring strict adherence to
filter media specifications, such as pharmaceutical, food processing,
health care and paint spray booth applications.
DEFIANT media bag filters outperform similar products with respect to
initial efficiency, average efficiency and dust holding capacity. The
continuous hydrophobic fibers composing the DEFIANT media do not
absorb moisture and are thermally bonded to eliminate the need for
chemical containing binders that could promote microbial growth or
generate VOCs. This creates a durable media able to withstand
turbulent, high velocity conditions.