Complete Filtration Services offers a wide selection of Paintbooth products to meet the demands of the
aerospace, automotive, furniture, recreational vehicle, metal fabrication, and light and heavy manufacturing
sectors. We provide products to  to ensure that every customer meets their filtration objectives.
Channel Media
Air Flow 150 FPM
Initial Static .05" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 99.79%
High Paint Holding Capacity
Pads and Blankets cut to size

Ultra II Filter
Air Flow 150 FPM
Initial Static .05" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 99.70%
Pads and Blankets cut to size
Bags available in two and three pocket models

Ultra Media
Air Flow 150 FPM
Initial Static .05" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 99.76%
Pads and Blankets cut to size
Bags available in two and three pocket models

Tack Media
Same specifications as the ATI Ultra Media
Tackifier added on the downstream side

Red Media
Air Flow 150 FPM
Initial Static .05" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 97.8%
Pads and Blankets cut to size

CS Media
Air Flow 150 FPM
Initial Static .08" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 99.48%
Pads and Blankets cut to size
Bags available in two and three pocket models

PR Media
Air Flow 150 FMG
Initial Static .03" W.G.
Average Paint Spray Removal Efficiency 92.4%
Pads and Blankets cut to size
Bags available in two and three pocket models
Paint booth Filter Products